Calcutta, India
Goddess Durga and her son lord Ganesha (by Dhiman Bhattacharjee)
Kalighat painting or Kalighat Pat originated in the 19th century Bengal, in the vicinity of kalighat temple, Kolkata, India and from being items of souvenir taken by the visitors to the Kali temple, the paintings over a period of time developed as a distinct school of Indian painting. From the depiction of Hindu gods, god, and other mythological characters, the Kalighat paintings developed to reflect a variety of themes.
Meanwhile, the British, having established themselves in the country politically started to evince interest in art, literature, and music. They set up institutions that imparted a European style of academic training to Indian artists. The Calcutta School of Art was one such school and attracted traditional artists–the patuas—to the city. Initially these artists were concentrated around the temple at Kalighat where there was a demand for religious art. Gradually, they started to learn from the newer techniques and discovered that these could help them increase their earnings. They started creating new forms of art and the Kalighat painting was born.
Today kalighat patachitra is in very near to get extinct. Simple but great art form make me amaze still today. Inspired from the great artists of Bengal I made my this new painting goddess durga and her son son lord ganesha, which is my own art formation.
cash payment only price 2000rs  ( Original art work )cont..9674099132


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